The holiday season is fast approaching. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of Christmas due to all the decorations and music and shopping which start earlier and earlier each year, but I like to relish in the season of Thanksgiving as well. It is my favorite holiday. No worrying about the perfect decor. No need to buy gifts. Just food and family. And giving thanks.
2013 hasn't been my favorite year, but I do not want to forget all the things that I have to be thankful for even in the hardest times of my life. I may be a little worn and need a fresh start, but I want to remember all the joy.
My Family
They have been my rock. My literal and figurative shoulder to cry on. A resource of endless encouragement and love. My morning grandma advice sessions, afternoon chit chats with pops, the random check-in calls from my brother, and ability to call my mom whenever and wherever I need to. They have supported me along this journey in every way imaginable and continue to push me to be the best version of myself possible.
My Friends
From friends who I've known my whole life to friends who are a little more recently made, I have had a support network that spans long distances and many age groups. I appreciate their wisdom, their random emails/texts/phone calls/visits that let me know how much they care and want what's best for me and my future.
My Besties
Stephanie was there for me before he fully made it out the door. She has seen me at my worse. My ugly cries (oh yes - I can cry REAL ugly). My sleepless nights. My moments of complete fear. She's been there for them all and still loves me and continues to push me to be better. Katrina has been a fount of advice and timely laughter. Even so far away, she is one of my nearest and dearest. If friends can be soul-mates, she's it.
My Bible Study
These ladies didn't know me from Adam until 4 days before my world fell apart. And they have been there for me ever since. The friendships I have gained by joining this group are priceless. Having a network of Godly women who listen to your prayer requests and encourage you spiritually is something I never knew I would need, but I am so glad to have them now. They send me messages of encouragement just when I seem to need them most. They also know how to gently steer me in the right direction whenever I get off the path.
My Home
Having to leave behind the house I so carefully plotted and planned for. So meticulously decorated. The house I actually put physical and manual labor into because I cared about it. Well, it was hard. It was my home and even though I was only in it a year, I'd become attached. I was so fearful of finding somewhere to live where I felt as comfortable. God has provided for me a home that comes with an amazing family and I am blessed by them daily. I never knew I could love little kids so much! I enjoy their fellowship and our growing friendship. I will be eternally grateful to them for opening their home to a complete stranger and making me feel more than welcome.
My Job
I have never dreaded going to work. I may have not wanted to get up for the sake of not wanting to climb out of my warm cozy bed, but never because I couldn't face walking through the doors and performing my duties as a teacher. I love my job. I love love love my co-workers. I love my kiddos. I couldn't ask for a better job or place to work.
There are countless other things I have to be grateful for, but these are at the top of my list right now. I hope you enjoy this next week and find time to reflect on all you have to be thankful for!
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