What's funny is, it was the wake up call I needed to hear. Brutal, but true. Other people became indignant that my doctor would tell me I'm fat (um, if she doesn't tell me, who is supposed to?). Guys, I clocked in at 199.5 lbs and I hadn't even eaten breakfast (that's not an easy number to type out...but accountability is real y'all).
I think we have become complacent with being overweight. A little extra weight won't hurt, right? Well, my family has a wide history of heart problems and strokes. So an extra 40 lbs? That could be life or death for me - and I'm not even being dramatic.
By nature, I'm kind of like a hibernating bear. I can be pretty active in the summer, but in the colder months I really really like my couch and a blanket and tv. And, the activity that I do in the summer isn't enough to combat the hibernation period. My weight is a struggle year round. My metabolism and I parted ways years ago and now I'm pretty sure I gain just looking at food. I know that when I exercise I start feeling better and looking better. When I don't exercise, I get chubby and tired and blah.
Me at my skinniest point. I don't dream of being 125 lbs. again, but I'd be ok with 150! Also proof that my hair hadn't changed for a decade. |
At my heaviest - over 200 lbs WOOF. I do NOT want to be here again. |
So, what to do about it...
I've quit pop. Unless I'm out to dinner or fighting a migraine, I don't need to stop and get a fountain drink on an almost daily basis. I have a feeling the reason my blood sugar is borderline is strongly linked to 32 ounces of Dr. Pepper on the regular. If I don't stop for pop then I'm also not grabbing a donut which is really hard to say no to. Our cookie jar has also remained empty for the better part of the past 2 months AND no more Moon Pies in my lunch box.
Also - PORTION. CONTROL. This one is really hard for me. I LOVE FOOD. Particularly food that isn't great for me. I now make meals that don't include bacon and/or cheese. Also, the less sugar you eat, the less sweet tooth cravings you have. Weird. Today I shopped the perimeter in our local grocery store and it's miraculous all the stuff you buy simply because you see it and it sounds good. If you don't walk past it, you don't have the opportunity to buy it. Therefor you don't end up eating it.
I hate fruits and vegetables. It's a texture thing. So, throw them into a blender and that solves most of the problems. I don't really like yogurt either, but in a smoothie I can choke it down. I basically swallow it like a pill, but it's a start. You can hide a lot of really healthy things in a blender!
Exercise. I really hate it. I recently went on a hunt for all the parts of my FitBit and let's just say it lets you know just how lazy you can be. There are so many opportunities during my day to be up and moving around, but I would choose to just sit. Now it's almost a compulsion to be up and moving because the FitBit is going to let me know just how lazy I've been if I don't. My goal isn't even completely tied to having a super high step count (although that is really motivating) - I'm in it for the active minutes. 10,000 steps at a snails pace is good, but 6,000 steps with 2 hours of active minutes is so much better.
Accountability. I have several co-workers who check in with me throughout the day to see where my count is at. I haven't asked them to do this, but it has helped immensely. Knowing that someone is going to ask me makes me push through the tired feet and the I just don't want to do it. Also, having a supportive partner at home has made a world of difference. Ben is encouraging and accepting and it's wonderful. I want to be able to run a 5k by the time school starts next fall so I've enlisted him as a couch. He can literally run circles around me because I'm so slow, but he knows I also don't like to do it alone so he patiently times out our walk/run sessions and cheers me along even though he knows I hate it and am barely above mall walk speed when I run right now. I used to be a runner so I know it gets better over time, I'm just so far out of shape I'm in the period where it really sucks (like, who knew back fat could jiggle SO MUCH when jogging - gross.)
Confidence. My confidence isn't completely tied to my weight, but it is definitely intertwined. Comments about my weight hurt A LOT. But, no one can do anything about it besides myself. I have to put in the work. I have to want to be healthier.
How YOU can help - (this goes for all friends you know who are struggling with weight)
It's not a diet. It's making positive lifestyle changes. It doesn't have a trendy name or a specific program that I'm following, other than I'm cutting back on the crap and adding in a lot more good.
Please don't offer me or tempt me with desserts and sweets. It's really hard to say no. Really really hard. (Unless it's your birthday because birthday cake is always worth it!)
When I eat out with you and I take half home, please don't make me feel like I haven't eaten enough. I promise. I have.
This is going to sound really self centered, but it makes us in the battle of weight loss feel really really good - compliment us if you take notice (but make sure it's genuine and not just a fluff comment). We are working so very hard and there are days where it seems like we'll never make progress. We are hardest on ourselves. So, if someone else is noticing it keeps us going.
Ask me to go on a walk. Eventually it may even be to go on a jog!
If you want to hang out, let's do something active together! I love Gray's Lake and Greenwood Park and discovering new trails. If my social life isn't always about eating out, it makes this a lot easier.
I will still celebrate birthdays and indulge on special occasions. I am always up for coffee. I love to talk and listen. Life is more than food and I'm trying really hard to remember that.
If you know good tricks to incorporating healthy stuff into food, please share. But, if you ask me to eat a banana I will just stare at you. We're not there yet, ok?
HOLD US ACCOUNTABLE. In a loving, yet firm way. You see me grabbing an un-needed pop? Call me out. You notice my FitBit stats are looking a little low, ask me what's up.
I know none of this is rocket science. This is all stuff most healthy, functioning adults understand already. I'm just a little late to the party!