
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Dear Doris,

I only had you for 6 years. My dear Aunt Mickey.

My 6th birthday was my most magical.  Not because I went to Disney World.  Because I got almost 2 weeks straight with you.  To create and be silly.  Those are the two most important lessons you taught me.  And to love with my whole heart unabashedly.

You'd listen to Peter plonk away at the piano over the phone.  You even let him hold a concert in the community center.  You let me make paper hats out of brochures and made me feel like they were from the finest milliner in Paris. You patiently strung beads with me and created epic play-do villages for us.

You trapped us in the fart sack.  Oh how we giggled and laughed and begged for more! Your laugh. I think we played along just to hear it.  You could have asked us to jump off a bridge and we probably would have because we loved you so.  Instead, you threw us in the pool fully clothed.

You taught me how to catch lizards.

I remember your voice.  Clear as a bell. Sometimes I hear it when Helen or Lois talk, but just not quite so. Every time you called us felt like an event and we would compete over who got more phone time with you.

Stories about you are my favorite.

You spoiled me that birthday - 6 years old felt like such a big deal. You bought me my first ginormous pack of crayons.  You helped me line them up by color over and over again.  My ballerina bear - oh how I treasured her! With satin slippers and a floral crown. You knew just how to make us feel so important.

The place mats we made - pouring over all the cards you had collected and deciding how to trim each one into the best circle. Then trimming them with the pinking shears. I'd never known scissors could be so heavy!

You were larger than life.

You saved me.  I jumped in the pool and my floaties came off.  You weren't supposed to get in the pool because you'd had surgery and the doctor told you not to. There weren't any other adults there, mom was just far enough away.  I remember dropping to the bottom of the pool and feeling panicked because I hadn't mastered swimming yet. I looked up as I sank down and it was getting dusky and I was so scared. Then you were there, fully dressed, pulling me up.  I remember thinking about this months later, when I learned you had died.  I thought maybe jumping in the pool when the doctor told you not to had been why you'd died. I told this to someone and they quickly reassured me this wasn't right, but I still worried.  You left a really big hole.

I'm so glad we have old family videos that you are a part of. So so glad.

The summer after you passed away, I was playing outside and all of a sudden I could smell you. I was so sure you were playing a trick on me and I ran into the backyard to try to find you. I knew you couldn't possibly be there, but I so hoped by some magic that you were.  It happened again when I was in college.  I think you just knew that I needed to know you were still there looking out for me.  Still playing your tricks!

I remember sitting around the dining room table after Aunt Mary moved up to Iowa and we were going through all her old pictures. That was the first time I learned that your name was Doris.  I was gobsmacked.  You were a Mickey through and through, yet here was the proof that you were actually a Doris. It felt kind of neat to still get to learn more about you so long after you'd gone.

Aunt Mickey, you were pure magic. I strive to embody your spirit in everything I do. Grams tells me I'm a lot like you and it's the best compliment I could ever receive. I think of you often. I sometimes still get a little bummed out that I got you for only a short while. I like to think you made the most of the time we did have.  You were my first kindred spirit. You showed me that there are people in this world who would "get me" in all my artsy fartsy weirdness. You are still a huge part of my creative motivation - to push myself to try new things just to see if I can.  Because you always made it seem we could do anything we wanted to if we just tried.

You are still my most favorite human being of all time.

I miss you.  But, I know you watch over this crazy family of yours.  Your spunkiness lives on! I'm honored to know you were a part of my family.

(she's on the far left - hamming it up per usual)

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

So You Are Over Listening to the News!

Maybe the news and Facebook have you feeling a little bit overdrawn and underwhelmed. Well, I implore you to give podcasts a try! If you have an Apple product, you can download the podcast app for free. If you have any other kind of phone, I'm sure you can search podcast and some apps will pop up.  While I understand a great many of you know what a podcast is and already listen to them, I know there are some of y'all out there who don't really know what they are.  Well, they're a broad range of things, but the simplest way to think about it is a radio show that you get to pick when you listen to it. You simply subscribe to the podcast and it will automatically download new episodes OR you can individually download episodes from their archives.

Pro-tip - download them while on wifi so you then have access to them without sucking up your data. You can find a podcast about just about any interest you could have which makes it really fun to discover new ones that you love! I listen to them while I'm getting ready in the morning, going on a walk by myself, or driving in the car. When I had a desk job where I stared at a computer all day, I basically listened to podcasts all day.

Here are a few of my favorites to potentially get you started and feel free to report back with your current favorites or new ones you discover.

The one that started it all - This American Life

I had a psych professor that would assign episodes of TAL as homework and once it made its way to being a podcast I jumped right on it. Each week they have a theme and tell one or more stories that are based around that theme.  Storytelling at its finest. They can make you care about the weirdest of things, but in a good way.

There are two seasons of Serial so far and if I'm being honest, season two didn't really do a whole lot for me. But, season one? Holy cow. Binge listen.  Now. You will never care more about cell phone records and their validity as you will after listening.  You'll also walk away with the knowledge of what a trunk pop in and a weird desire to visit Leakin Park.

Stuff You Should Know

Chuck and Josh pick a topic and then you learn all about it.  I love scouring their archives to learn about super random topics (like tupperware or mosquitos).  If anyone has ever wondered how I have so many weird facts stored up, it's partially due to this podcast.  They can make the most mundane things ridiculously fascinating. 

In a similar vein as Stuff You Should Know, this podcast is similar in that it takes a singular topic and then you learn about it, this one of course all being in a historical context.  I highly recommend looking through the archives for topics you are interested in.  Their Laura Ingalls Wilder episode is top notch.


I'm going to be super honest here - this one isn't for the faint of heart.  And, I can only listen in broad daylight, preferably not when I'm home alone.  It's super creepy in that it covers murder mysteries from all over the world from all different time periods. But, it's also really well done and very fascinating. 

I was really sad when John and Sherry stepped away from their blog so imagine my excitement when they started blogging again (although, not as frequently) and then went on to announce their podcast! It's like a verbalized version of their blog which, to me, is pretty fun. Lots of good DIY tips and tricks. 

I love Judah Smith's books and I love having discovered his sermons in podcast form. I highly recommend the Church Like Home series. If you are having a travel day on a Sunday or are under the weather, but you still want some church time, I recommend checking for podcast sermons! 

Hamilton the Podcast 

Warning - there are some swears in this one.  But, if you've listened to the Hamilton soundtrack, then it isn't any more offensive than you would find the music. This podcast probably really shows how nerdy I can get. Each episode dissects a song from the soundtrack and then breaks down the actual musical components as well as the actual history that is covered in the song. If you're obsessed with Hamilton and a music nerd, you may enjoy this one. 

Honorable mentions: The Moth, Wait Wait Don't Tell me, and RadioLab 

Images by Freepik