I am an impatient person (most of the time). Waiting can be really hard.
Yet, so much of our lives are spent waiting.
In grocery lines.
On hold with customer service.
Red lights.
Waiting for a package to arrive in the mail.
These seem so inconsequential in comparison to someone waiting to hear back from their dream college that they just applied to.
Or for medical test results.
Waiting for a baby to be born.
To find the love of your life.
For contact from a loved one after a natural disaster.
I was blessed in this life to have two wonderful grandpas. One passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack and the other suffered from dementia for 15 years. While neither death was easy, the grandpa who had dementia? There was a lot of wait and see and it was hard. To wait and see how this disease would affect him over the course of a decade and a half is not something I wish for anyone else to go through.
When I was going through divorce, there was a 90 day wait and see period. I took it that this was the time that God would use to work a miracle. I wasn't sure if that was him saving my marriage or him helping me move on, but it was definitely a hard time of waiting and seeing. It was during this period of my life that I learned the power of the wait and see.
There is a lot of prayer in these periods. God uses these times to change our hearts. To train us to turn to Him through it all. To find joy even in uncertainty. One of my favorite verses (and also one of my favorite songs from Lauren Daigle) is Isaiah 40:31
But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
He hasn't abandoned you in the wait and see. He is building your strength. He is preparing you for something great. Something you may not even be able to fathom. He is preparing you for whatever comes next.
If you are stuck in the wait and see, remember...