
Friday, December 30, 2016

So You Want to Make a Gallery Wall

Disclaimer: I am no Joanna Gaines or Emily Henderson. I do not proclaim to be a professional decorator. I'm just a girl who really likes to pound nails in walls and have picked up a few tricks along the way.  These tricks have helped a few friends over the years so I figured I may as well share them. My aesthetic isn't for everyone - that's the joys of personal style! These tips are easily adaptable to whatever your need is.

First up - what you'll need:

-Stuff to hang up
-nails and potentially some drywall screws
-cheapo wrapping paper from the dollar store
-painters tape
-a level (I highly highly recommend this one!)

Now the planning.  What is your goal for the wall?

Disclaimer: I live in apartment with less than ideal lighting. Oh well.

My family has an Italian restaurant we like to visit in near Chicago. The entire restaurant is set up to be rooms from an Italian villa and one of my favorites in the library. It's a haphazard mishmash of collected objects that blend together and make it feel cozy. Our apartment has boring cream walls so I took that room as an inspiration and put some bookshelves in our dining room and then on an early out Wednesday, started hammering away. I put most of my most favorite things on this wall so whenever I look at it I just feel really happy. Don't be afraid to mix frame colors/styles. Yes you can mix gold and silver (really - you can!). If you're mixing woods, stick to all cool tones or all warm tones to keep it cohesive.

This process may seem tedious, but I find it fail proof and you don't end up with extra nail holes in the wall that you have to fill in and paint over in the future.

Step 1: Trace every single piece you may want to use onto the cheap wrapping paper. I also have used butcher paper if you have that lying around. Cut out. This part is important - match up the paper to the back of the picture or object and then use a Sharpie to mark where the hangers are for each piece! This will save you a lot of time in the near future.

Step 2: Use painters tape to start placing the papers on the wall. I love to include mirrors and reflective materials as much as possible. The arrangement options are endless and there really aren't any rules.  My only advice? Don't start hammering until you absolutely love it. If you like symmetrical, great.  If you don't, great.  Both look great in gallery walls. You determine the balance you want!

Here are a few more examples to help give some ideas:

We have tall ceilings in our apartment so I wanted to jazz up the walls in our living room a bit. The wall with our tv console is fairly busy so I wanted to keep the couch side simple.  Since these prints are a series, I debated between hanging them two on top/two on bottom or in a row. To balance with the length of the couch, I went with in a row.

This is what I wake up to in the morning so I kept it subtle, but things that I love (my mom's peonies, my uncle's cows, birch trees from Namakagon). Painting small canvases is a great way to get an "art" feel without spending a lot of money. Mixing same colored frames keeps smaller groupings balanced. The gray frame has metal inlay which adds some reflection to the mix.

Our entryway is DARK. It gets zero natural lighting so I went lots of reflection with the mirror and then the floral candle holders have mirrored leaves and glass holders. The frame gives the slightest illusion of a window.  The Akard sign is one of my most favorite wedding gifts and welcomes us home everyday! The gold lettering also reflects light. I barely notice the ugly thermostat because it just blends in with everything else now.

Don't be afraid to be unconventional. The flower wall hanging is a leftover decoration from our wedding and my mom lovingly made all of those paper roses.  I couldn't bear the thought of it hanging out in a closet so up on the wall it went. It also helps balance out that we don't have a headboard for the bed. I framed one of the handkerchiefs we used for our wedding decor as well and the family tree frame is actually the same wood tone, just looks darker due to lighting (or lack thereof).

Step 3: Once you LOVE the arrangement, check that the paper is level and then this is where the Sharpie step makes your life super easy - simply nail through the paper where you've marked with Sharpie, take the paper off, and hang up.  Voila! Continue until all the pieces are up on the wall. Make sure to beware of the weight of your objects - heavier objects may require drywall screws - when in doubt, go overboard. You can get packs of hanging nails at any hardware store and I usually get the variety ones to make sure I have the right size for what I'm hanging.

If you are wanting a gallery wall, but don't have enough objects, don't rush out to your local craft or home decor store to buy "stuff." I believe if it's worth putting holes in the wall for, you should really love it. Become a collector. Some ideas:

-DIY art projects.  Search Pinterest and set up a girls night to craft away! You can do it.  Even if you aren't crafty/artsy

-Collect family photos and then have them printed in all different sizes. I have lots of vintage family photos around our place and I love the history they bring to our walls.

-Print off your travel photos! Scenery shots will take you back to those special places whenever you look at them! Print off some wedding photos! It's a fun day to relive!!!

-Take pictures of textures.  I know this sounds weird, but on a large wall, you need some things to look cool, but not compete with bigger pieces.  That really cool brick wall? Moss growing on a tree? The options are endless, you just have to think outside of the box a little.

-Ransack grandma's closets for vintage finds.  I've scored a broken cuckoo clock, an etched mirror, and those candle holders FOR FREE.

-Repaint old frames.

-Buy dollar store framed mirrors and repaint the frames.  The small ones are great for filling in small holes and adding reflection.

-Reuse old calendar art - crop then frame

-If you have kids, let them be creative! Then frame it.

-Search Free Vintage Printables on Google

-Make a framed collage of tickets stubs or pretty cards you have received.

-Visit antique stores to find vintage fabrics or paper items that could be framed. Old books pages are great for this! Vintage children's books can have some beautiful illustrations.

-Collect art prints.  Some of my favorite sources:
(if you're in the Des Moines area, their shop is in the East Village and it's awesome)

Best places to find frames are Target and Ikea.  They hold up and have a great variety as well as being affordable.  Smaller frames from the dollar store can be jazzed up with a fresh coat of paint, but I don't recommend them for anything bigger than a 4x6 photograph - they are cheap and don't always hang straight, but it isn't as noticeable with a smaller frame. 

Remember, most important, is to LOVE every single thing that goes on your walls and to make it appealing to YOU (not Pinterest or your guests).

Happy hammering!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

My Hope for 2017

The overall consensus on my Facebook feed is that 2016 wasn't the greatest year. I know a lot of people who suffered personal loss, felt under attack, were given more than their fair share of challenges. As a nation, we witnessed brutal attacks on our own soil, saw a nation divided in an ugly election where I think it's safe to say, the majority of voters didn't like the results. The world seems more in upheaval than ever. I keep seeing people saying 2017 will be a better year.  I so hope that is true, but it isn't a certainty. We are tired. We need hope.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. - John 16:33

You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. - 2 Timothy 2:1

I feel a burden.  For the people who are hurting.  For the people who feel lost. I have struggled with my purpose as of late. The more I've asked God to help me figure it out, the more burdened I feel. The heavier my heart gets. Yet, I find myself praising Him more fully. Feeling His presence. Where I fail, He fills in.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. - Isaiah 40:29-31

Whenever we feel despair, we need to praise Him. When the weight of the world is crushing us like a mountain, we need to remember that He has overcome the world and He will lift our burden in His timing. There is always hope.  Always.  Even when it doesn't feel like it, it's there. We aren't guaranteed happiness and success in this life. Our trials may seem great and endless, still we praise Him.

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds - James 1:2

For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. - 1 John 5:4

There is so much that doesn't make sense in this world. I don't have all (if any) of the answers. But, I know the truths that God has given us.  I know He fulfills his promises. Even if you have been sobbing into the carpet, on your knees, crying out to God when all seems lost and you feel so alone. When you feel like you can't go on because the pain is to great, He's there. Let Him carry you.  Let your hope be in Him. Because if your hope is in the world, it will fail you.  Every time.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
- Isaiah 41:10

Is Anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. - James 5:13

Will 2017 be a better year? I sure hope so! I will continue to choose hope, no matter what. I will continue to praise Him always. He hasn't let me down yet.

Lyrics: Even When it Hurts - Hillsong

Saturday, April 2, 2016

100 Happy Things: Spring 2016 Edition

1. Epic Cloud-scapes 2. Miracles 3. Swatching at Sephora 4. metallic shoes 5. Damn, Barb! 6. Surprise flowers 7. art inspiration 8. a full tank of gas 9. fine tip Sharpie markers 10. Bobbly-Birds 11. dessert potlucks 12. Warby Parkers 13. cats in the window 14. a new mug 15. state capitol tours 16. Trailer Trash burger 17. face timing family 18. the five minutes when absolutely all of your laundry is done and put away 19. Stuff You Should Know 20. hologram Ticonderogas 21. Science Camp 22. brownie sundaes 23. trying a new restaurant 24. vintage handkerchiefs 25. game nights 26. fun straws 27. watching your favorite movie for the 100th time 28. Snookie's opening day 29. watercolor flowers 30. bowling higher than a 40 31. Mark Rylance winning the Oscar 32. And Leo winning one too 33. pastel M&Ms 34. the Souther Polar Bear 35. discovering a new favorite book 36. watching the Beanboozled Challenge 37. built in aux cord ports 38. a pot of succulents 39. shoes that are comfy the first time you wear them 40. really great coffee 41. a new playlist 42. trying new makeup 43. shoe therapy 44. Ben's Forrest Gump 45. having all the time in the world to get ready 46. laying in bed on a rainy Saturday 47. natural bokeh 48. surviving Walnut "Antique City USA," IA 49. smelling candles at Bath and Bodyworks 50. ending the day with Angie and Barb 51. kindergarten artwork 52. finding your person 53. kids thoughts on adults 54. overcoming 55. Banana Phone 56. our wedding colors 57. pictures of baby animals 58. catching daily wonders 59. my parents 60, bath bombs from LUSH 61. getting a manicure 62. free dates 63. when the trees at the arboretum are all in bloom 64. being the same age twice 65. sharing wombat facts 66. Lauren Daigle songs 67. used bookstores 68. being on a student's list of favorites and you haven't even been their teacher 69. iris farms 70. prayer huddle 71. having an AO with Carlson and Kemp 72. Braum's Milkshakes 73. 70 and sunny with a light breeze 74. colorful paisley 75. quilting 76. shiny pennies 77. souvenir magnets 78. successful Pinterest recipes 79. glow in the dark star stickers 80. narwhals 81. saving fun money for something you really really want 82. 9 square in the air 83. lunch with the Klenks 84. flowers in your hair 85. Chip and Joanna Gaines 86. a stellar book recommendation 87. dance parties in the camp office 88.Katie Daisy paintings 89. TJ Maxx journal section 90. tropical fish and aquariums 91. really cute old people 92. going to IKEA and spending less than $100 93. surprise road trips 94. head massages 95. Pin Knock Down in PE 96. Mrs. Senne and Mrs. Meyers 97. finding mix cd's from high school and college 98. moss 99. new shampoo 100. cribbage 
Bonus 101. Twin Nieces

Next time you are having a less than stellar day, I challenge you to start a happy things list and carry it with you all day, adding to it as you think of new things.  I guarantee it is a pretty good mood changer! If you'd ever like to share your 100 Happy Things with the world, let me know :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I kind of love making pretty insta quotes and verses.  I've always loved text.  I like playing with colors. Fonts. Design.  I have been brushing up on photoshop skills and playing with different apps to make my creations my own.  Lately I have been playing with brushstrokes and thought I'd share them for anyone else who may be looking for a simple background to share their favorite quote with.

*Backgrounds free for use that is not for profit*

Photoshop brushes courtesy of  Spoon Graphics 
Color Inspiration courtesy of Design Seeds

Monday, January 11, 2016

How Design Works (for me)

Disclaimer: I am not an interior designer. In no way, shape, or form am I an expert nor do I think that I am.  On at least a weekly basis I am asked to help with people's potential design challenges and I share what has worked for me.  I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on how to make your living space one that you love!

I have always loved designing and creating. I didn't always have the means to do it, but I could visualize spaces and how I wanted them to look.  I often fell into the trap of thinking that if you wanted to design a space, you had to be able to do it all at once.  I was really wrong!  I would get frustrated that things didn't look how I wanted them even though I could picture it in my head.  I fell into the trap of wanting an HGTV space on a recent college grad budget.

Enter in: Secrets From a Stylist.  If you can find the very first season to watch, I highly recommend it!  Not every episode ended up with a space I would want, but the way Emily would explain things helped me slowly figure out what my style was.  And that style rules were meant to be broken if it meant you were happy.

So, here is what has worked for me.

Layering. Texture. Patience. Tweaking.

I love mixing textures.  Old and new. I also love having things in my home that are intentional.  Quite a few of these things were handed down to me from family members.  Some are special gifts.  The tiny ceramic container is from a special trip.  It represents careful collecting over a decent amount of time. It didn't all come together at once. The TV stand came with boring handles so I swapped them out for more interesting ones.  I've spray painted lamp bases.  Refinished hand me down bedside tables.  Sometimes you look past what something is to what it could be.

I take inspiration pictures ALL THE TIME.  Of something that evokes a certain feeling - that I want to recreate. I love the feeling of mixing old and new and creating cozy spaces.  I think some people may call my style cluttered and eclectic.  I'm ok with that.

Some of my inspiration has to be scaled back to fit in the space I have/ I live in reality. 


Inspiration:  Colorful collection of books packed on shelves. 

Reality: 1 of several bookshelves around our home with my loosely organized, growing, book collection.  I also like using books in unexpected places to show them off.  

Inspiration:  The Wall on Mental Floss.  I love the random collection, but who has that much awesome stuff to fit into that big of a shelf. 

Reality: My mom handed off an old shadow box to me a few years ago.  As I was sorting through things, I realized I did have a nice collection of random objects for a slightly more tamed version of The Wall.  

My biggest rule is that I have to love it.  Don't buy something temporary to fill a space.  Wait until you find something you truly love.  Ben actually nailed it on the head while wandering around an antique shop this week - If you don't love it at the store, you're not going to love it in your home.  Sometimes this means getting creative with how to make some of those things you fall in love with work in your space and not just add to the clutter. 

This sugar/creamer set was two separate visits to the antique shop.  I fell in love the first visit, but couldn't think of a use for a cream and sugar bowl.  The second visit was to take them home as earring and bracelet holders!

This set is currently available at Brass Armadillo for anyone in need of some hobnail milk glass! 

Another part of my design philosophy - don't be afraid to put some holes in your walls.  Holes are fillable. You can always change your mind.  Since we live in an apartment, we can't paint our walls.  Being able to surround myself with artwork helps it feel a little more like home than just a space we are temporarily. 

Gallery walls are a great way to incorporate a lot of things in one space.  Clearly I use the mixing texture rule liberally.  I also don't believe a gallery wall has to be just pictures/artwork.  Adding mirrors brings light into our otherwise dark dining room.  Having metallic accents does the same.  Mixing woods helps keep things from getting too matchy matchy (which is totally ok if that is your style!) for me.  Design rules are basically do what makes you happy.  Mix metals.  Mix woods.  Coordinating is key.  I'm usually a cool toned person, but keeping pops of warm here and there keeps our space from feeling cold. 

I also love hanging things that have meaning or remind me of something/someone special. 

If you're in Des Moines - Domestica in the East Village is an awesome place to find unique prints and artwork.  I have always loved trees.  Of all the trees, birches are my favorite and they are found in various forms in my home. These prints also incorporate cardinals (symbols of loved ones you've lost) and also the changing seasons. 

I used a whole lot of vintage handkerchiefs in our wedding decor and framed one and put it up on the wall. 

This painting was entered in the fine arts category at the Iowa State Fair a few years ago.  I spent the next few months tracking down a print.  Natalie Groves is an Iowa transplant and a phenomenal artist! Clearly, nature and animals (and of course birch trees) are a common theme throughout our home and this is a subtle nod to the State Fair which I love so much.

Your design aesthetic is probably going to change over time.  In college, my dorm room had an India vibe.  Pinks, purples, satins, gold, and even a netted canopy.  I loved it, still do...but I don't feel the need to hold onto that because the space I want to live in now isn't really any of those things. I want to sleep in a space that almost feels boutique hotel.  Clean.  Light.  30 years from now, who know what I'll be sleeping in.  Give yourself time to grow.  Even now, my style is evolving.  I've let go of certain things that I thought I had to have and have kept hold of the things that I love.  My budget still isn't too much bigger than that of a recent college grad so I've had to have patience to get where I am at!

The last piece of advice I have is make spaces that make you happy.  As I've slowly put together the spaces in our apartment (and really my living spaces over the past decade) the biggest thing I've loved is walking into a space that I've finally finished and smiling.  I love hearing people say that my home feels "homey."  

Alright, whose ready to hit up the antique stores and flea markets?!

Images by Freepik